We want the Tropic website to be accessible to everyone, so we can share the power of natural, vegan and cruelty-free beauty with as many people as possible.

Glow: The Complete Guide

Spring/Summer 2024

Our latest Glow by Tropic magazine, is available in audio format. This audio version features every page of our magazine read out in full, including pricing and codes. You can listen via Spotify.

On-site Accessibility Tool

We’ve introduced a new accessibility tool called EqualWeb to help us enhance your browsing experience and cater to any individual needs and preferences. To access our EqualWeb accessibility options, just click on the green icon in the on the left hand side of the screenwhen on the Accessibility page. 

Below, you’ll find a list of all the EqualWeb accessibility tools you can make use of on our website:

  1. Enable keyboard navigation

  2. Change fonts (increase, decrease, adjust and align the site font for readability)

  3. Change colour contrast and site colours

  4. Matching and monochrome option for colour blind people

  5. Increase the cursor and change its colour to black or white

  6. Increase the display to 200%

  7. Highlight links on the site

  8. Highlight headers on the site

  9. Display an alternative description of images

  10. Tooltips (short, informative messages with additional information) appear when hovering over a page element or feature

  11. Describe words by mouse selection

  12. Display the site’s contents in a new window.

  13. Type content using the mouse

EQUALWEB AUTO PLAN: Platform-Auto accessibility statement With Automatic widget for www.tropicskincare.com

EqualWeb Ltd is committed to promoting digital accessibility for people with disabilities. This website conducted a process to implement an automatic accessibility tool to conform as closely as possible to the standards set by the WCAG 2.0/2.1 at the AA level. The use of platform-managed accessibility automatic widget accordance with our Terms of Service .

Compatibility with browsers and assistive technology

Our mission goal is to be able to support the widest array of browsers and assistive technologies as possible. We have therefore invested efforts to support popular systems with high market share, including Chrome, Firefox, edge, Opera and Safari VoiceOver on a MAC. We have also addressed JAWS and NVDA assistive technologies for Windows and MAC.

Technical specifications

Accessibility of this website relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer:

  1. HTML


  3. CSS

  4. JavaScript


Should you encounter any difficulty navigating the website, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via our phone, chat and email or you can contact us via mail with the address below.

Tropic Skincare
Unit 2A&2B
Beddington Lane Industrial Estate
Beddington Lane

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