Which Tropic treatment is your personality parallel?

Get to know our skin saviours with our oil or serum-selecting questionnaire. Choose from a series of ‘would you rather’ questions and A, B, C or D your way to finding out which Tropic treatment you would be...

It’s a typical Friday night BC (before covid) and you’ve just finished work, you…

    A. Run straight to your friends without going home, you’re always eager to get started on the inevitable Friday night journey to the dance floor.

    B. Run straight home to shower and get changed, you can’t wait to do some socialising but you’d never go out without changing your outfit.

    C. Think longingly about the company of your next ‘need to watch’ Netflix series and christen the weekend with a foodie favourite on your sofa. You’re usually too busy to allow yourself TV time on weekdays.

    D. Work late and spend the evening at home pampering, doing your usual skincare routine and preparing for your characteristically productive weekend.


      You’re going on a group holiday (probably in the very distant future). Your dream destination for switching off from a stressful routine is…

        A. Somewhere hot and lively, where you’re never too far away from a fully-stocked bar. The perfect day involves a strong sundowner on the beach that’s brimming with the delicious, sweet aroma of the evening’s potential.

        B. Somewhere not too hot or arid and hopefully with a generous dose of afternoon shade to hide in. Wherever you are, an aloe vera aftersun is always your hottest holiday romance.

        C. Somewhere sunny and calm to top up the tan (safely, with SPF forever in tow) and preferably with a gym. You’ll be caught doing lengths in the pool before any of your friends have stretched from their slumbers. You’re more of a sunrise than a sunset person.

        D. Anywhere quiet and secluded. You try to stay out of direct sunlight for long durations of time and curling up with a good book or spending snoozy Saturdays in the shade are just what you need from your week of switching off. Nothing too busy or loud - you get enough of that in the familiar chaos of home life and the rush of school runs.


          A friend calls and asks if you can drop off their pair of party shoes at the airport that’s an hour away, they’re boarding a flight but have forgotten their formal favourites. What’s your reaction?

            A. You laugh at their trivial misfortune and tell them to make do with a flat sole or a casual trainer for once, they’re only away for a week!

            B. Your initial response is to say yes, but on second thoughts you think they might be taking advantage of your generous nature. You eventually persuade them that it’s not an essential item and offer to go halves on a new pair at the airport instead.

            C. You struggle to see how you can fit a two hour round trip in before your fitness class and don’t fancy your chances with weekend airport traffic anyway. You half-heartedly offer to post their shoes to them (first class) in the hope that she’ll decline.

            D. You rush to theirs to collect the (admittedly classy) footwear culprits and drop them off as soon as you can. You feel good knowing that you’ve helped out a friend in a stressful situation, but spend the drive home wondering how many people would do the same for you…



              You’re asked to prepare a presentation for a work meeting in somebody else’s absence at the last minute, you…

              A. Unfurl from your typical midweek haze and leap at the challenge head-first. You enjoy the rush of speaking in meetings, but feel the prerequisite of prolonged concentration (basically the preparation part) will pose the biggest challenge. 

              B. Feel like your heart is drowning in your chest. You know you can’t say no as you want to impress your boss but you feel sick about the whole thing. A sleepless night is inevitable.

              C. Worry about missing your typical evening run but take the challenge in your stride. Do a good amount of preparation but get to bed at a sensible time and wake up refreshed. You set yourself up for the day with a nutritious smoothie and a multivitamin to nourish the mind.

               DSay yes on impulse. You usually work late anyway so a little last minute preparation is well within your capabilities. You don’t remember the last time you logged off on time and you’ll be sure to calm your pre-presentation nerves with a healthy helping of porridge for breakfast in the morning - you might even splurge on your standard 40g serving size as a treat!



                You’ve been lavish with your spending this month but you’ve seen a gorgeous garment in the sale that would look fantastic in the folds of your closet. Do you…

                  A. Impulse buy and worry about the consequences after the fact. If they’ve got a pay later scheme that’s even more perfect, - you can’t just sit on a sale item or it might sell out!

                  B. Mull it over for the rest of the day? If you’re still thinking about being in the clutches of that fabulous fabric come tomorrow morning then you’ll know it’s worth the money.

                  C. Wait until payday and if it’s still there then it was meant to be? You can’t start borrowing money for groceries for the sake of an item of clothing!

                  D. Shut your laptop and shake your head at the whole idea? Buying fancy clothes for yourself seems unnecessary and an impractical waste. You’d prefer to spend a little extra on the upcoming birthday gift for someone special instead.


                    The results are in! If you were…


                    Mostly As you’re Fruit Peel - you’re a little more intense then the rest of us, but in a good way. You’re tough and feisty and always the last one standing on the dancefloor. If somebody says a bad word about one of your friends, you’re not going to let them forget about it. You relish the chaos of a busy social life and your idea of relaxing involves a group of friends and a packed pub garden.






                    Mostly Bs you’re Pure Lagoon - you’re a diplomatic problem-solver but you know a good time when you see one. You’re up for a laugh and a joke, but you like your solo self care sessions too. You love planning ahead but hate organising your friends’ social schedules or being the passport-holder at the airport. Your favourite film is probably Love Actually (whatever the season, it’s iconic all year round).






                    Mostly Cs you’re Super Greens - you’re always the first to turn up to your yoga class and don’t understand why being late is fashionable? You appreciate a good dinner party with friends but deep down you’re always itching to stretch out on the sofa. Your relationship with your alarm clock is healthier than most, but you can’t forgo an early night during the week for anything.




                    Mostly Ds you’re Elixir - you enrich the lives of those you love with your honey-sweet generosity. You can’t say no when someone asks a favour of you and you’re always thinking of others. If you’re not working round the clock, you’re out and about with your family, baking birthday cakes or giving your time to a good cause. Your dream Sunday involves a date with your sofa, but tends to entail running errands and racking your brain for all the missed memos from Friday’s to do list.

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