Spring Clean Your Routine!


Spring has officially sprung! The flowers are blooming, the bees are buzzing, and with every new season comes a change in our skin’s natural balance. Unlike in winter, the warmer weather brings fresh, rejuvenated skin, and spring cleaning your pores can be a great way to shed the winter blues. For fabulous skin, follow these top tips:


Clean out your cupboards

Although many people ignore the labels, your skincare and cosmetic products do have a shelf life. Spring cleaning is a great opportunity to clear out your cupboards and get rid of outdated products that may be gathering dust.

After a while, your makeup products will lose their effectiveness, so be sure to throw away anything that is past its expiration date, anything that appears to be dried out or broken, and anything that has changed in consistency or colour. You won’t get the same results from old makeup, and you are likely to see your skin break out more often from the bacteria build-up.

Some products have an expiration date printed on the packaging, others don’t. You should be looking to get rid of your mascara after 3-6 months (or when it goes a bit clumpy!), and your foundation after 1 year. Powders and bronzers should normally be tossed at around 18 months (or if they change colour or break), and your eyeliner could last anywhere between 3 months and 3 years, depending on the ingredients!


Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate!

Winter is over and it’s time for fresh, renewed skin! During the cold weather, most of our body is covered in warm clothing so we ignore dry and broken skin building up on our feet, knees, elbows and more.

Spring is a great time to buff away those dead skin cells, boost circulation and reveal fresh, glowing skin all over. Our Face Smooth Brightening Polish is a fantastic natural exfoliating scrub to gently remove any build-up and leave smooth, supple skin that you’ll be happy to show off!

If you’re getting your pins out early this year, our Body Smooth Refreshing Polish will leave your legs feeling silky smooth, even in those notoriously rough skinned areas like heels and knees!


Deep clean those pores

After you have exfoliated, it’s time to deeply cleanse your pores and make way for gorgeous skin! For a really intense, deep clean, our founder Susie Ma recommends steaming your face with Green Tea for a spring skin clean, and then applying a thin layer of our Clear Skin Face Mask.

Apply this mask for an all over cleanse, or dot onto individual spots overnight to reduce inflammation and redness, then rinse off.

This super cleansing mask is enriched with Green Clay, Goji Berry Extract and Ginger, and is designed to draw impurities to the surface of the skin while introducing essential nutrients back into the pores.


Let skin breathe

As the evenings get lighter, you might be venturing out of the house for longer during the day, meaning your makeup stays on longer too. To avoid clogged pores, be sure to remove any heavy makeup when you don’t need it – a few makeup free hours every day will allow skin to breathe.

If you don’t fancy being completely au naturale, then a light layer of makeup is all that’s needed. A dusting of our Mineral Foundation may be all you need to look fresh this season!


Our fresh, natural ingredients are ideal for a clean, rejuvenated complexion this season and following these tips in your spring skincare routine will leave you with visibly clearer and brighter skin! Don't just take our word for it, give it a try yourself! 


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